Welcome to Tattoo Collection.eu
It is here to share & preserve some tattoo history. Along the way I’ve had a lot of negative reactions from the ‘tattoo police’ (bitter individuals trying to decide who is and who is not qualified to love and appreciate tattoo history aside from their own self) which became an extra motivation for me.
Collecting is giving priorities to your hobby, time and money wise. It is not about how much you have but about what you do with what you have. I do not collect as a monetary investment or to horse trade but to preserve from love and respect. My collection first started with a set of 2 early Micky Sharpz and 1 Ron Ackers (wooden side plate) machines that i traded to an artist who wanted me to re-spring and tune them for him. That was around 1998-99 in Germany at a convention. Jokingly I told him to leave them here and to pick new machines and that is happily what he did starting my collection. I was not just collecting vintage/old items, I was also collecting special machines that were innovative or built by friends. Although I started late in collecting I’ve been fortunate to meet a few great story tellers, history makers and even a few pioneers that have been gracious and helpful in my quest. I’d like to take this special opportunity to thank Dana & Dot for their support, friendship, and for them just being them. To Lyle & Daniella, Mike, Jonas and so many more – I thank you. I’m always happy to share, receive input / corrections and links for the history of our craft.
Please enjoy this space and Kip sharing!
Gideon Schory