Ashton Tattoo Club England. This certify that Ramon of Rotterdam, The Netherlands is a fully qualified and life-long member of the Ashton Tattoo Club. Signed in 1977 by president T. Roberts.
Capt. Jacks World Wide Tattoo Artist Association Certificate.
Empire State Tattoo Club of America. This certify that Tattoo Ramon (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Has been enrolled in the ESTC and is entitled to all the benefits this club offers its members. Signed in 1980 by ''Big'' Joe Kaplan
European Tattoo Artist Association Member Certificate.
International Tattoo Artist Association to certify that Tattoo Ramon (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) has pledged to uphold the ideals for which the association stands. One year memebership, signed in 1977 by R Johnson.
National Tattoo Club Of The World to certify that Tattoo Ramon (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) is a member in good standing. Back in 1977 signed by Philadelphia Eddie.
The Japan Tattoo Club Certify that Ramon (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) has been enrolled and made a life long member of the Japan Tattoo Club. Signed by President Prof. Tadasu Izawa back in 1976.
This Certify that Mr.... Was Tattooed today by Sailor Mosko. Member of the Scorpions Tattoo Club.
The Japan Tattoo Club Certify that Ramon (Rotterdam, The Netherlands) has been enrolled and made a life long member of the Japan Tattoo Club. Signed by President Prof. Tadasu Izawa back in 1977.